Wednesday, January 9, 2013

VBS Schedule

Here is the latest update from Costa Rica:

Hi Families of Young Missionairies - 

The ministry has been fast and furious these first two days, and it's great to know that you are all praying for us as we go into each of the villages. Like I'd said before, we have divided ourselves into three (3) separate ministry groups. Each group is a stand-alone team, equipped to carry out all of the duties necessary for a successful VBS experience. Each group has been assigned two different villages for ministry this week - one in the morning and one in the afternoon. Each team returns to the same sites each day, so that we can build rapport with the same kids and parents. Here is a snapshot of what each day looks like:

First, we start out with a time of open play for about 45 minutes, with the kids that are already waiting for us. We play a variety of games, including but not limited to, soccer, basketball, frisbee, jump rope, baseball with plastic bats and wiffle balls, and bubbles...lots of tiny, soap bubbles.

Second, we get the giant, colorful parachute out, to help gather the children to us, and play a couple of fun, interactive games with them. 

Next, we lead the kids in some fun praise and worship songs that we've learned in Spanish, and that leads into the memory verse that we are teaching them throughout the week. 

Now comes the lesson for the day that one of our team members gives to the group, via a Pura Vida sponsored translator. And then once the lesson is done, we try to reinforce it with a humorous, yet meaningful skit that a few of our team members have prepared (again, with the assistance of our translator).

We finish the lesson with a fun and creative theme-related craft, that the children can take home with them. As soon as our last crafts are being completed, all of the kids line up single file to get their snack for the day. By this time, we've been at the site for about 2 hours, and we usually get picked up by our bus after about 15 more minutes of play time and clean-up time.

We head back to the Pura Vida compound for lunch and rest time, and then head back out to our 2nd village at 1:30pm, to do it all over again, with our second group of children.

It's been neat to see how our kids have really started to connect with the village kids, now that they've had two days to hang out together! They are really trying hard to work at communicating with them in the Spanish language, and are ministering a ton of love through hundreds of individual interactions. You should be proud of them :)

Well, it's time for our group meeting, so I have to run...God's Grace to You and Pura Vida,

Mr. Z.

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