Monday, January 7, 2013

Costa Rica Mission Trip

As many of you know, Michael Durrill left late Saturday night on a mission team headed to San Ramon, Costa Rica.  His school, Cornerstone Christian Academy, is working with an organization called Pura Vida Missions running VBS in nearby villages and working on some other small projects for Pura Vida through the week.  Please pray with us for the team's hearts to be open to the work of the Holy Spirit in their lives, for health and safety, and for unity among the team members.  

The first report came via email today:
Day 1 was a very good day for the team - thank you very much for all of your prayers being offered up on our behalf! Our flight to San Jose was uneventful, with most of our group sleeping for at least half of the 5 hour flight. There were some of our kids however, that felt it necessary to remain awake and talkative THE ENTIRE TRIP. Yes, I still love them, but they will be paying the price tomorrow morning when we get them up at 5:30 for our morning jog :)
 After a 45 minute drive we arrived at the Pura Vida compound in San Ramon, and were greeted with a tasty, light breakfast. We then had a couple hours of free time, which most  used to get some shut-eye...however, once again, there were some who chose not to sleep at all, but rather to play cards, jump rope, and play a strange version of basketball keep away, that they somehow managed to play with no basketball hoops...go figure.
After a tasty meal of mexican spaghetti and salad, we had a time of group orientation from the Pura Vida leaders. Then, for the next two hours, we broke up into our three (3) team groups to review our initial plans for the week's VBS activities.After that, we divided into two busses, and drove to our six village areas where we will be holding our VBS sessions, and canvassed the areas with flyers announcing our presence in their neighborhoods for the coming week. It was a great time for our kids to become acquainted with some of the locals and to see the very difficult living conditions that most of these people have come to accept as normal. 
Tomorrow (Monday), we will hit the ground running, conducting both morning and afternoon VBS's, Please pray for us that we will have God's anointing and that He will have prepared the local's hearts for ministry.

We will continue to share updates as we receive them.  Thank you for praying for Michael and the CCA team! 

- Pastor Mike

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